Wednesday, July 31, 2013

some videos…

You know how I mentioned in my last blog entry that we had Emma’s bday and a little family get together a couple weeks ago?  Here are a few videos from that.  Our camera had a full memory card, so I couldn’t use my camera to take any pics.  I borrowed other people’s cameras, and I am still awaiting those pictures (hint, hint).  But until then, and since I value my life (Ani has threatened to kill me, which I scoff at because she is so wimpy), here are some fun videos from our day.  These were sent to me from Ani, so credit/blame her for the awesome camera skills (I lean towards blaming her, not because her skill is poor…but just because I want to blame her).
I apparently don’t have any software that will let me edit quicktime videos, which is why these are not put into one video.  These are videos Ani took using her phone.  They are fun and short to watch. 
Video #1:
This video is of Torin, Ani’s hubby.  I’m going to get a little racist here (in hopes of offending everyone).  Torin is good at inadvertently proving all those racists statements true, such as “White men can’t jump” and whatever a racist statement would be about white people not being able to dance. I swear he has springs on the bottom of his feet. 

Being the crazy, party people we are (wait, what?), my mom asked Torin to do a little dance at our family gathering.  He was more than happy to.  I should also point out that Torin is disappointed in his dance here.  I guess it wasn’t as put together as he can do. Ani said the same – that he can do way better (not sure what they’re talking about because it’s AWESOME!).  Oh, and the face paint was just part of our activities for the day:

When Torin was finished, TS walked out and decided it was his turn to do his own dance.  Ani caught about half of his dance.  He was so serious about it all too!  It was SO FUNNY!

And, lastly, here is a cute little video of TS and his cousin.  His cousin is three months older than TS.  It’s just a silly little video of boys being boys:

There are a lot more pics from Eva & Ani doing face paintings, kids doing crafts with Siouxsie, and Emma’s bday.  I will be posting those when I get them;-)
If you’re on email subscriptions, you can go to our blog HERE and watch them.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


For the few stragglers, who haven't made it over to our other blog (the one that we keep updated), I thought I'd let you know that a month ago we started a FB page for Emma.  We've decided to transplant Emma, and this will be the place we'll update in "real time". 

Since FB will only send updates to a select amount of "likers", instead of everyone who liked it, if you want, you can ensure you get updates by clicking on the "like" button for a second, and it'll drop down a menu.  Then click on "get notifications".  Then it'll send you a notification each time we update.

Thanks, everyone!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

bone marrow transplant stuff

Is anyone left over here?  It seems like most people have switched over to our new blog.  :)

I just wanted to drop in to let those who might have failed to migrate over to our new website that there's been a lot going on with Emma, and we're having to consider a bone marrow transplant. She's had a lot go on this past month or so.  Our current blog is:

We've also started a FB page for those who would like that.  It's public, so anyone is welcome.  I can give more "real time" updates over there for whenever she is in the hospital or anything like that.  You can just click on "like" and you'll be able to follow our page (Or, if you want to be notified of each update, click and hold "like" and choose "get notificatons"):
