Sunday, February 17, 2013

bone marrow transplant stuff

Is anyone left over here?  It seems like most people have switched over to our new blog.  :)

I just wanted to drop in to let those who might have failed to migrate over to our new website that there's been a lot going on with Emma, and we're having to consider a bone marrow transplant. She's had a lot go on this past month or so.  Our current blog is:

We've also started a FB page for those who would like that.  It's public, so anyone is welcome.  I can give more "real time" updates over there for whenever she is in the hospital or anything like that.  You can just click on "like" and you'll be able to follow our page (Or, if you want to be notified of each update, click and hold "like" and choose "get notificatons"):


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